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Code Of Conduct

CRYO-GEN‌ ‌Code‌ ‌of‌ ‌Conduct‌ June 21



Team CRYO-GEN’s vision is to be the number one Community team on eSports

● To set the benchmark for engagement, inclusion and participation

● To play an active role in the development of fair and competitive eSports

In full support of this vision, it is expected that all team members play a positive part in this. To ensure the team is true to this, it is important that all team members understand the expectations of being a Team CRYO-GEN member, and how the team will maintain this through all it’s actions.

This Code of Conduct outlines those expectations

1. CRYO-GEN – Social Interaction / Social Media Rules

Interpretation of Social Media will be in the widest sense and will not be limited to Facebook/Facebook Messenger/Discord, which although widely used by Team CRYO-GEN are not the only social media platforms on which members of the team can be identified.

1.1 Respect everyone’s privacy – Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.

1.2 Be kind and courteous – We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. We treat everyone with respect.

1.3 No hate speech or bullying – Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things such as race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.

Team CRYO-GEN will take a zero tolerance approach for behaviour which contravenes this position. If found to be in breach of this clause through the complaints process, this will result in an immediate removal and ban from the team subject to appeal.

1.4 Social Media Groups and Chatgroups
Team CRYO-GEN has set up and provides numerous groups for team members to use to interact with each other. All these groups as such, are subject to this Code of Conduct, in order to protect all of our members and ensure we are inclusive. Team members shall not create new groups or chat groups on any social media platforms e.g Facebook Messenger group chats, that are either named or appear as CRYO-GEN forums. The team appreciates that friendship groups form, but if group chats are created, they mustn’t look or feel like they belong to the team.
The Management Team reserves the right to ask for such groups to be renamed or removed if it is deemed they contravene this.

1.5 Other interactions – Team members shall not commit any act or do anything which might bring the Team into disrepute or detract from the team CRYO-GEN Vision. All interactions with other Teams, Zwift, ZwiftPower or representatives of any other organisations within the VR community whom they are interacting with as a representative of Team CRYO-GEN shall be conducted in a professional manner which conforms to rules 1.1 – 1.3.


2. CRYO-GEN – Race and Event Rules

2.1  Team members will not be permitted to be members of any other active Zwift only teams as designated on ZwiftPower.

2.2  In circumstances where a team member’s real life (IRL) team is also active on ZwiftPower it is permissible for members to also hold this tag team on ZwiftPower and change to this tag for those events in which their IRL team is taking part. In such cases it is advisable for team members to inform their Category Captains of such changes in order to avoid any action being taken if/when removal of CRYO-GEN Team Tag is highlighted by regular checks.

2.3 Where team members act as Ride Leader for non CRYO-GEN Zwift Events, and therefore not using the CRYO-GEN Zwift Power tag temporarily, they should bring this to the attention of their Category Captains and/or Category Coordinators

2.4  Any/all other partnerships with other Zwift/IRL teams for events on Zwift will be agreed by the CRYO-GEN Management Team.

2.5  All Team members will race as per their designated category or higher category on Zwiftpower (or any designated category as per any future system as implemented by Zwift).

2.51  Racing in a lower category will almost always have an effect on those racing in that category and shows a lack of respect for others.

2.52  On any occasion a team member is reported to be in violation of this rule, the team member in question will be spoken to by their Category Captain and advised regarding this matter.

2.53  On any second occasion that this is found to have happened, the team members will be issued with a final warning by their Category Coordinator.

2.54  Any subsequent breach will result in the team member(s) concerned being removed from the team.

2.6  Team CRYO-GEN wishes to build and promote good working relationships with other Zwift Teams / Organisers. Where team members wish issues (performance of other competitors etc) to be raised with organisers of Zwift events, they should bring such issues to the Team Captains who can then raise the matter with the Category Coordinator and/or appropriate member of the Management Team. Once all facts are established, and if deemed appropriate, the Management Team will raise these issues with the organisers of the event through the appropriate team official.

2.7  In game team members will refrain from taking any actions, including use of language, that could be considered as threatening, discriminatory or otherwise could be deemed abusive or cause offence to others.

2.8  Team members shall not attempt to tamper with equipment, modify any data recorded or otherwise use any mechanical or electronic devices that provide an unfair advantage/false results, such as but not limited to: motors, devices that alter equipment signals, devices that control the smart trainer resistance, devices that broadcast simulated data or devices that interfere with broadcast data.

2.9  Team members will enter their correct height and weight on the Zwift platform and will not alter their height or weight for the purposes of obtaining an unfair advantage in any Zwift Race/Event. In circumstances where there is any doubt as to the correct weight/height of a team member, the member in question may be requested to verify this via video. The member will be informed that refusal to comply with such a request could result in their removal from the team.

2.10  Team members using just ZPower will not enter races that clearly state “no ZPower allowed” or “No ZPower winners” in the race details. Knowingly doing so and therefore disrupting the race, breaking the race rules, which also may lead to disqualification. In circumstances where this occurs, the team member will be spoken to by their category Captain. On any second occasion this happens, the Category Coordinator will issue a final warning.

2.11  Where a team member’s performance in a race or event is called into question either by CRYO-GEN Management Team /Organisers / other Competitors, Team CRYO-GEN’S  CRY ADA Dept. reserve the right after consideration of all existing data, and in liaison with appropriate management team members, to ask the member for other evidence / data which can be used to validate their performance.

2.12  Team members may be asked to outline all equipment being used to broadcast power to Zwift. This may be as a result of an enquiry regarding race performance or in response to an application to join the team.

2.13  Esports Rules & Doping: Team CRYO-GEN does not support the use of performance enhancing substances on any type. Any rider currently sanctioned by official cycling or athletic bodies and/or Zwift, will not be able to represent Team CRYO-GEN in a public event or race.

Team CRYO-GEN adopts the rules and regulations provided by Zwift and these can be found by following the links below.

Zwift Cycling eSports Rules

Team CRYO-GEN has a data and compliance department, CRY ADA, which will take an active overview of all issues relating to fair and competitive eSport participation.

Team CRYO-GEN reserves the right to immediately remove a team member in the case of severe breach of Zwift and Zwift Power rules and regulations concerning cheating or conduct.


3. Raising a Complaint

3.1 All complaints received from Team CRYO-GEN members will be treated in confidence, with sensitivity, and will be resolved as swiftly as possible. This may involve mediation between the relevant parties and/or further investigation.

3.2 Should any Team CRYO-GEN member wish to raise a complaint relating to anything within the Code of Conduct, they should first raise this with their Category Captain.

3.3 The Category Captains, on receiving a complaint will discuss this with the Category Coordinator, who will notify the subject of the complaint and what the next steps will be, including what support is available to them. At this point, it is hoped that a resolution will be found. Should this not be resolved, the Category Coordinator will refer to CRY ADA if relating to a compliance or date issue, and/or the appropriate Management Team member if relating behaviour or non-riding related issues.

3.4 In the event a current member is the subject of a complaint, they may request the support of a member of the Management Team or a Category Coordinator who is not directly involved in the incident or it’s investigation.

3.5 The Complainant and Subject of any complaint must be made aware of the process that will be followed through investigation, and any possible results or sanctions that could

3.6 All formal complaints made will be recorded, along with the resultant actions and sanctions, subject to data protection rules.


4. CRYO-GEN – Breach of Rules and Sanctions

4.1 In circumstances where there is a clear breach of Code of Conduct and immediate action is required, Team CRYO-GEN may take whatever action is necessary to temporarily remove a member from any/all social media platforms, to protect them, the team and its members, if circumstances warrant such immediate action. This action would require the agreement of a minimum of two Management Team members.

4.2 A confirmed breach of any of CRYO-GEN rules will be considered by members of the Management Team and relevant Category Coordinators as to what sanctions, if any, are required. This can include, in the most severe cases, removal from management/admin roles and/or removal from Team CRYO-GEN. This will be a decision made by the Management Team and any other required roles, as detailed in subsequent sections of this code.

4.3 In circumstances where further information is required in order for a decision to be reached, the CRY ADA Dept. and any other required members of the Management Team, Community Leadership Team and Admin Teams will further investigate the circumstances of the alleged breach and report back with recommendations. On these occasions members involved may be temporarily removed from the team for the duration of any such investigation.

4.4 Where a request is made for a team member to supply further data or information the member will be required to supply this data within any reasonable period as specified. Failure to respond may result in temporary sanctions being applied until such times as the matter can be resolved.

4.5 Temporary or permanent removal from Team CRYO-GEN and/or from any publicly accessible platforms e.g Social Media, for an issue not related to a compliance related or data breach will be a decision taken with the agreement of the relevant Category Coordinator, the Community Manager, and at least one other member of the Management Team.

4.6 Temporary or permanent removal from Team CRYO-GEN and/or from any publicly accessible platforms e.g Social Media, for a compliance or data breach will be a decision taken with the agreement of the relevant Category Coordinator, a member of CRY ADA, and at least one other member of the Management Team. The removed member will follow the usual Member Leaving process.

4.7 Any temporary or permanent removal may be appealed. The subject of removal will have 48 hours from being notified of the sanction to raise an appeal. They must submit the full details of their appeal in writing to the person who communicated their removal to them. They may be supported by any current Team CRYO-GEN member not directly involved in the incident or those involved in the sanction decision.

4.8 Subject to appeal, any permanent removal will be final and the member will be banned from all platforms with no option to re-join the team at a future date. This includes participation in any Team CRYO-GEN organised social event or meetup. They may join any event hosted by Zwift e.g Team CRYO-GEN Series or Team CRYO-GEN Group rides, but Team CRYO-GEN won’t include banned riders in team generated results and reports etc.

Management Team
June 2024